Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Touch His Cloak

She said to herself, "If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed" (Matthew 9:21)

In the days of Jesus, a woman who was menstruating was considered “unclean” and she was required to keep away from everyone for seven days; then she purified herself.  Likewise, no one could touch her during this time.

We don’t know the cause, but this woman quoted in Matthew, suffered years of blood flow, making her ritually unclean for twelve years. Anyone she might touch would also become unclean, thus she became an outcast among her own people. The moment the woman touched Jesus’ cloak she was healed by the power of God. Her blood flow stopped and her “uncleanliness”  was removed. Imagine the courage it took to touch a man in her condition!  But Jesus heals and shed his own blood for us.

If you have any clean sheets that we can send to our sisters in Uganda for their hygienic needs, please send to: TeamofGod.Org, 160 Sarratt School Rd., Gaffney, SC 29341
May God bless  you!